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- INFO-HAMS Digest Wed, 13 Dec 89 Volume 89 : Issue 1014
- Today's Topics:
- Antennas
- Broadcast jammers
- Help Needed With Kenwood TH215 2M TCVR
- Kenwood TS140
- MAC logging program
- Out-of-Band Tx/Rx Mods Reconsidered
- Telephone Interference
- WEFAX 105 Uploaded!!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 14 Dec 89 01:42:01 GMT
- From: osu-20.ircc.ohio-state.edu!bertsch-s@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Steve Bertsch)
- Subject: Antennas
- Message-ID: <12549900427007@osu-20.ircc.ohio-state.edu>
- In a few magazine articles I've seen the terms 'near field' and 'far field',
- but I can't find any mention of these terms in any of the radio or
- electronics texts I've tried. Can anyone define these terms?
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Dec 89 13:45:47 GMT
- From: mcsun!ukc!stc!datlog!torch!igp@uunet.uu.net (Ian Phillipps)
- Subject: Broadcast jammers
- Message-ID: <581@torch.co.uk>
- larson@unix.SRI.COM (Alan Larson) writes:
- (Refers to jamming on 7150kHz)
- >As I recall, I had heard that most of the Soviet and Eastern European
- >broadcast jamming stations had been shut down a few years ago. I was...
- >Does anyone know the status of these stations?
- I heard that the BBC Mandarin service is being jammed by the Chinese.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 13 Dec 89 17:00 CDT
- Subject: Help Needed With Kenwood TH215 2M TCVR
- Message-ID: <19121317005068@lax.wisc.edu>
- I am trying to use a Kenwood TH215 hand held TCVR as a start out rig on
- packet radio. However, I am not able to get the PTT on it to work with
- the external connections. I have followed the standard connections for
- wiring the input to the external mic connector.
- I have unfortunately misplaced my manual and right now am helpless!!
- I would appreciate it if someone could give me the correct connections
- so that I could connect to a TNC and packet away.
- Thanks
- Feroz Ghouse 4S7FG/N9FJL
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 Dec 89 22:48:06 GMT
- From: wind!copp@bellcore.com (David H Copp)
- Subject: Kenwood TS140
- Message-ID: <18587@bellcore.bellcore.com>
- I am considering purchasing a Kenwood TS140. I would like to receive
- opinions of the rig from people who have them. TU es 73's
- David H. Copp WS2I
- (201) 829-4337
- copp@bellcore.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 Dec 89 17:34:45 GMT
- From: att!cbnewsm!nk30@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (JEFF ZELL NK3O)
- Subject: MAC logging program
- Message-ID: <7538@cbnewsm.ATT.COM>
- I am looking for a program for logging and printing of labels for QSL
- cards.The machine of my choice is the Mac.There are very few program available
- for the Mac.I have some shareware and PD programs but nothing that will do this
- function
- TNX and 73
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Dec 89 00:36:50 GMT
- From: oliveb!orc!mipos3!cmdfs2!jbromley@apple.com (James Bromley~)
- Subject: Out-of-Band Tx/Rx Mods Reconsidered
- Message-ID: <333@cmdfs2.intel.com>
- Back in the good old days when transmitters consisted of
- self-excited oscillating fire bottles, staying on frequency (or
- just within a given band) was a real exercise in radio operator
- technical skill. The usability of the medium was a direct
- function of this competency and, to protect the rights of all
- spectrum users, the principle of OPERATOR licensing in addition
- to STATION licensing was instituted by the U.S. and
- also through international conventions.
- Over the years, operator licensing became an institution in
- and of itself. In the post-WWII Radio/TV heyday, a commercial
- (or even amateur) radio operator's license was a solid credential
- that led to a good technical job, sometimes only remotely
- connected to the actual transmission of a radio signal. In
- amateur radio circles, with incentive licensing, higher degrees
- of operator competency were deemed very desirable and lavishly
- rewarded with wider operating frequency ranges.
- Today, off-frequency operation, whether it is the result of an
- unattenuated harmonic, excessive phase noise from a PLL, a
- spurious mixer product or (heaven forbid) dialing in the wrong
- frequency, can be even more of a problem in this ever more
- crowded medium. Operator skill would seem to be at a premium
- to prevent interference and ensure orderly utilization of an
- admittedly limited resource.
- However, with the advent of radio equipment that is so
- technically sophisticated as to preclude almost all
- mis-operation (including off-frequency operation) the
- requirement for technically skilled operators decreases
- considerably. Consequently, the justification for imposing an
- OPERATOR licensing requirement with its concomitant tests for
- competency becomes much weaker. Indeed, future licensing
- requirements might only be those for a STATION license. And
- the criteria for granting such a license would be those
- currently used for broadcasting, land mobile, aeronautical,
- etc., namely demonstrable need, frequency congestion and
- integrity of the licensee. No code, no theory, no legal
- knowledge....nothing.
- A strong argument for retaining operator licensing requirements
- would be the continuing use of radio equipment that was capable
- of interference-causing mis-operation. Such equipment would
- necessarily have unrestricted frequency coverage (just like the
- old self-excited transmitters), have adjustments for modulation
- parameters and internal tuning readily accessible (ie: on the
- front panel) and be subject to a wide variety of modifications
- on its transmitter circuitry. If high-powered, it would be capable
- of output far in excess of legal limits. Only a highly skilled
- person could operate such equipment properly (and legally) and
- it would be in the clear interest of the United States to maintain
- the structure to license and regulate such operators.
- So the possession and use of modified radio equipment capable
- of out-of-band, excessively high powered operation may be the
- salvation of Amateur Radio as we know it, with LICENSED
- OPERATORS being required for station operation. Otherwise,
- amateur radio could become just another
- land-mobile/point-to-point utility service. Like Domino's
- Pizza or Joe's Plumbing. Those people can't get off-frequency
- no matter what the (unlicensed) operator does. Amateur Radio
- is a great deal woolier than that. And the operator licenses
- that we all value dearly are testimony to the potentially
- illegal capability of our equipment and our skill in preventing
- such operation from occurring.
- de W5GYJ/7
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 Dec 89 20:28:30 GMT
- From: cs.utexas.edu!helps!bongo!julian@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (julian macassey)
- Subject: Telephone Interference
- Message-ID: <284@bongo.UUCP>
- In article <6225@cbnewsh.ATT.COM>, nd2k@cbnewsh.ATT.COM (alfred.a.schwarz..jr) writes:
- >
- > Does anyone have any ideas/pointers on quieting down telephone
- > interference?
- Below are some extracts from an article I wrote a couple of
- years ago for Popular Communications Magazine. The Issue was Feb
- 1988, if you want to see the whole thing.
- There is some hope when it comes to interference. The FCC
- has issued a field bulletin on RFI. The document is called
- "Bulletin FO-10, Telephone Interference". Copies of it can be
- obtained from any FCC field office. Find your nearest FCC
- office by looking up FCC in the phone book. The Bell
- System has considered the problem and approach it from the
- viewpoint of interference to regular 500 and 2500 type phone
- sets. The Bell document concerning RFI is known as a Bell
- Systems Practice (BSP). The document is BSP Section
- 500-150-100.
- Before you tear things apart and spend money, there are a
- few things to check. These checks can be done with an adjustable
- wrench and a screwdriver. What is checked is anything on the line
- itself that could be acting as an antenna or detector. A dirty
- connection can work as a diode to detect RF signals. Go over the
- internal wiring looking for the following:
- 1. Corroded connections. Clean and tighten.
- 2. Loose wire terminations, including set wiring and all jacks
- and junction boxes. Tighten any loose screws.
- 3. Abandoned wire still connected to the line. Remove any wire
- not connected to a working phone.
- 4. Old unused devices still connected to the line. Remove
- abandoned phone answering machines, old telephones and bells etc.
- If any of the above is what is causing the RFI, until you
- fix them, there is little hope that anything else you do will
- cure the problem.
- The other legal "do it yourself" fix is attachment of
- toroid cores. These cores look like small black doughnuts, by
- wrapping wire round a ferrite core a simple effective RF filter
- or choke can be made. Ferrite cores are frequency selective, by
- the choice of the right material, interference can be effectively
- hit on the head.
- With modern phones, the most RF sensitive part of the
- phone is the electret microphone and its preamplifier circuit. By
- application of ferrite cores to the handset cord, there is a fair
- chance of easily and cheaply fixing the problem. If you are
- hearing radio signals on the phone, there is a way of checking if
- the microphone/handset cord is to blame. Dial a partial number to
- give you silence, listen for the interfering signals and grab the
- handset cord. If the signal changes in volume - gets better or
- worse - try a ferrite core.
- The best source of ferrite cores in small quantities is
- Amidon Associates, 12033 Otsego street, North Hollywood,
- California 91607. PHONE: (818) 760-4429. Amidon Associates have
- several ferrite "mixes" available. For interference from 500 Khz
- to 10 Mhz, i.e. AM broadcast RFI, they recommend their 75
- material. For interference from 1 to 30 Mhz they recommend their
- 73 material. The 73 material should take care of all short wave
- Ham and CB interference. For low VHF and channel 2-7 RFI you can
- try a ferrite core made with the 43 material which should take
- care of RFI between 1 and 70MHz. For best results use the
- material that has the lowest cutoff point for your problem. If
- the local AM transmitter at 1070 KHz is your problem, use the 75
- material, it will give much better attenuation at that frequency
- than the 73 material.
- For a handset cord, a half inch core is ideal. Wrap
- four or five turns of the handset cord through the core and plug
- it back into the handset. The cord can be held in place with
- black vinyl tape or glue, hot melt glue works well. Experiment
- with the positioning of the core. Often having the core by the
- handset works best, other times plugging in the cord with the
- core by the body of the phone is better. Sometimes a core at each
- end of the cord is needed to do the trick. The cores may look
- kinda clunky, but if they provide relief easily and cheaply, who
- are you to complain.
- The numbers for the half inch cores are: FT-50A-75, FT-50A-
- 73 and FT-50A-43. Yes you guessed it - the last two digits tell
- you the material being used. For one and a half inch cores used
- with line cords explained below, the numbers are: FT-140-75. The
- last two digits being the same as for the half inch cores.
- For RFI that you suspect to be entering via the phone
- line, wrapping the line cord round a large core can help. Usually
- it is best to place the core at the telephone end of the line
- cord. Though like all RFI cures, experimentation, otherwise known
- as "suck it and see", does a better job than hard and fast rules.
- With the large core on the line cord, between six and twenty
- turns on the cord should do the trick. A core on each end of the
- line cord may help in stubborn cases.
- For authorized phone repair stations, telephone
- personnel and those willing to risk "Open circuit surgery", there
- are several solutions. Using ferrite cores, twenty turns or so of
- scrap 24 Gauge telephone wire can be wrapped round a half inch
- ferrite core. Use two cores, one for Tip and one for Ring and
- place them inside the phone. The same kind of cores and windings
- can also be used, inside the phone, on the transmitter
- (microphone) leads.
- For those really handy with a smoking soldering iron
- there are some more fixes to try. For phones using electret
- microphones, some well placed capacitors may do the trick. Try a
- 0.01 uF (10 NF) across the electret element. If that doesn't work
- try the same value of cap across the hot side of the element to
- the "ground" of the pc board. Regular phones with carbon
- transmitters can be helped with a 0.01 or 0.1 uF capacitor across
- the element. Solder the capacitor across the contact fingers in
- the handset, not across the element, so if the transmitter is
- changed, the RF proofing will stay with the phone. Also, inside
- the phone, a 0.1 uF (100 NF) 250V capacitor across Tip and Ring
- can be helpful. The type of capacitor to use is a Ceramic or
- Mylar.
- For those with access to AT&T parts or wishing to help
- the local phone company, there are a couple of bits of helpful
- hardware mentioned in Bell Systems Practice 500-150-100. First
- there is a coil that should be spliced into the phone line. It is
- called a 1542A inductor. It should be spliced into the line as
- near as the offending telephone set as possible. This means put
- it right before the modular jack. It has six terminals, two for
- Tip, two for Ring and two for a ground, should the phone still
- need a ground (yellow wire) for the ringer or party line. The
- ground terminals are not in any way connected to the coil, so
- bringing a ground to the inductor, unless needed in the phone,
- will not help cure any RFI.
- The Bell document also mentions a capacitor, designated
- a 40BA capacitor. It is actually four capacitors (see Fig 1) and
- the intent is to place a capacitor between each leg of the phone
- line and ground. The 40BA is usually installed at the telephone
- protector. There is always a good ground available at the
- protector, often a heavy gauge solid, solid gray jacketed wire.
- Those telephone personnel who do not have access to a 40BA
- capacitor should find that a couple of 0.1 uF 250V Mylar
- capacitors will work just as well (see Fig 2). To install the
- 40BA or 0.1uF capacitors, find the protector. The protector is
- usually outside the building in a wall mounted small box, in the
- basement or in a closet for businesses and apartment buildings.
- If the phone line comes in on overhead cable, the protector will
- be in the first box the cable goes to after entering the
- premises.
- That should be some help in beating the problem. Don't
- forget that some types of phones are more sensitive than others.
- Some cases may be so severe that nothing helps. AT&T no longer
- have RFI proofed phones available, although an old style desk
- phone with some capacitors added will be pretty immune to RFI.
- Alas AT&T no longer makes old style 500 and 2500 desk sets,
- although they sell reconditioned ones. Several manufacturers such
- as ITT, Comdial, and Northern Telecom still make old style
- phones.
- This article appeared on Page 56 of the Feb 1988 edition of
- Popular Communications Magazine.
- Fig 1>
- 250nF 250nF 250nF 250nF
- TIP O---| |--| |----O----| |--| |---O RING
- |
- |
- ---
- -
- AT&T 40BA capacitor schematic and connection diagram
- Fig 2>
- 100nF 100nF
- TIP O----| |--------O-----| |--------O Ring
- |
- |
- ---
- -
- Schematic for 100 nF capacitors on telephone protector.
- Hope this helps.
- --
- Julian Macassey, n6are julian@bongo.info.com {ucla-an!denwa!bongo!julian
- N6ARE@K6IYK (Packet Radio) n6are.ampr.org [] voice (213) 653-4495
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 Dec 89 16:30:28 GMT
- From: att!cbnewsj!newsman@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (john.ferro..jr)
- Subject: WEFAX 105 Uploaded!!
- Message-ID: <2826@cbnewsj.ATT.COM>
- In article <1109@unsvax.NEVADA.EDU>, storkus@arrakis.nevada.edu (Mike Storke (N7MSD)) writes:
- Mike,
- Could you please send me a copy of WEFAX 105. Would this get to me
- through E-mail?
- Thanks john Ferro
- ------------------------------
- End of INFO-HAMS Digest V89 Issue #1014
- ***************************************